About us

heitzig stands for reliable and neutral consulting services.

As an independent consulting company, we have a proven track record of creating win-win situations for all parties. With our methodological competence, we support your specialist departments in strategy, optimisation and planning for the procurement of ICT solutions. The maximum possible relief of your internal resources is our claim.


Helmut Browne, CEO & Owner

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  • 1996-2009:  Founder & CEO in Austria
  • 2009-2015:  Co-Founder & CEO of the holding company in GER and CEO in AUT
  • 2016-today: Owner & CEO of heitzig ITK Consulting GLOBAL

My consulting investments are mainly complex ICT projects with the aim of sustainable technical and economic optimization.

My personal focus on consulting is on the Mobile Enterprise Consulting Business. In the context of rapid market development and enterprise mobility, this means that it is no longer the (supposedly!) best provider who wins, but the most customer-oriented solution. For more than 29 years, I have been carrying out neutral tendering and optimisation projects for mobile communications, i.e. their corporate fleets at home and/or abroad, on behalf of our clients, and show how optimal tariff optimisation leads to success or how sustainable procurement of smartphones and the like can work. The rapid developments in the increasingly digital world are particularly striking in the mobility sector. The intensity of consulting on topics such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G networks, lifecycle management or global mobility at large multinational companies is increasing and is often in the context of strategy and procurement. For large companies, we also optimize mobile communications abroad (e.g. Europe-wide) and show how internal admin work can be reduced or simplified.


MMag. Wolfgang Reis, Partner

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  • 2014-2020:  Associate Consultant (Sales)
  • 2021-today: Partner & Senior Associate Consultant

I gained my experience in my previous work in market research for a leading international company and in marketing. At heitzig ITK Consulting, I have been responsible for sales agendas since 2014 and am the first point of contact for our existing customers and those who would like to become one.

As a project manager and important link between sales and implementation, I coordinate and manage medium-sized projects for the benefit of our clients. Technically challenging projects are accompanied by our cheerful internal pre-sales and technical engineers. As a consultant, I aspire to translate the technical context into an understanding of management. Our clients value our methodological expertise very much.

Working as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland rounds off my professional commitment.


    Company profile

    heitzig ITK Consulting stands for reliable ICT project planning and consulting with a special emphasis of expertise on communication solutions.

    • Founded in 1996
    • Managed by owner
    • +15 consultants plus external network
    • Represented in D.A.CH region
    • 1.5 million EUR savings annually for our clients
    • Methodological competence with 28 years of experience
    • Manufacturer- and product-neutral
    • International project experience

    Our cooperation partners

    Many of our clients have their HQ in our home markets - the D.A.CH region, but in many cases there are also other company locations worldwide. As a result, our consulting services are often appreciated outside our borders. We set benchmarks, we optimize your costs in the ICT environment for your branches abroad. Excellent market knowledge and supplier networks are required to be successful in foreign markets. For this reason, we have been cultivating successful partnerships abroad for over a decade so that we can actually meet the requirements of our clients. Our outstanding expertise ranges from Europe to the USA.

    Do you have international challenges? Then let's talk about how we can support you and book a free consultation with us right now.

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